OpenRail DesignerCONNECT Edition


You can access this dialog from the following:

Ribbon: OpenRail Modeling > Miscellaneous group

Miscellaneous group

Creates rails, sleepers, coach sweep, and places coaches.



Sweep Envelope

Place Clearance Point

Places a point object between two rail geometries where the offset value for both rail geometries is fulfilled.

Signal Sighting

  • Edit Signal Model - Allows the creation of a new DGN containing furniture, or the editing of the definition of an existing piece of furniture.
  • Place Signal - Places Signals.
  • Edit Signal Properties - Opens the Edit Signal Properties dialog.
  • Import/Export Signals - Allows the user to import or export a comma separated text file listing the furniture items in the project.

LV Assets

Open Design Calculator

Allows you to do cant based calculations.

Creates rails, sleepers, coach sweep, and places coaches.